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Using the CatéGPT API

The CatéGPT API provides a service to answer questions related to Catholic teachings, prayers, and devotions. It allows users to submit questions and receive structured answers, which may include references to religious texts, teachings, and official Church documents.

Integrating CatéGPT into your solutions

To integrate CatéGPT into your applications, websites or other digital media, start by creating an account on our platform. Simply go to your personal dashboard at

Once you've created your account, you'll be able to generate an API key. This key is essential for accessing our service via the API. You can also manage your credits directly from your dashboard. Each API key allows you to monitor and control your use of our services, ensuring that you do not exceed your credit limits.

The use of the API is documented to facilitate its integration into your projects. You'll find all the information you need to start using the API with your key in the documentation provided. It details the methods available, the parameters you can configure, and the responses you can expect from the API.

By integrating CatéGPT, you open the door to a host of innovative functionalities that will enrich your digital solutions.

Key Takeaways for Developers

  • The response format of this API is well-structured for both human readability and machine parsing, making it suitable for integration into various applications where users can ask religious or doctrinal questions.
  • Handling multilingual input and output demonstrates the API’s flexibility and its adaptability to diverse user bases.
  • The inclusion of direct references to doctrinal texts enhances the educational value of the responses, providing not just answers but also paths for deeper study.
  • The ability to handle conversational modes (modechat) allows developers to tailor the interaction style according to the context of the application, whether it's a formal educational tool or a casual conversational agent.

This comprehensive response structure makes the API a robust tool for developers aiming to build applications focused on religious education and engagement.

API Usage Pricing

Our API pricing is straightforward and cost-effective. We charge a nominal fee of 0.01€ / 1k tokens. This pricing structure is designed to ensure that you can scale your usage according to your needs without worrying about high costs. Whether you're processing large volumes of data or requiring intensive computations, our rates remain consistently low, offering you both flexibility and control over your expenditures.

Ask a question

API Endpoint

  • URL:
  • Method: POST


  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Authorization: {API_KEY}

API key must be included as a bearer token for authentication. To obtain your API_KEY and manage your credits, please go to your personal dashboard. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any problems.

Request Parameters

Name Type Description

Ask your question here. It can be a question you formulate in a sentence or a simple word on a theme you would like to address.

If you do not provide this parameter, the algorithm will choose a question for you randomly.


The language in which you want the answer. Supported values are "en" for English, "fr" for French, "de" for German, "it" for Italian, "es" for Spanish, "pt" for Portuguese, "pl" for Polish. If omitted, the API defaults to French.


The unique identifier of a previous message to which this question is a reply. This can be used to maintain context in a conversation.


A boolean value (1 or 0) that indicates whether the response should be more conversational. By default, the API provides more structured and formal responses.

Response Parameters

Name Type Description

The status of the response. If it is ok, it means the response to your question was generated successfully.


The question that was asked. It is possible that what you requested has been rephrased as a question. In case you did not ask any specific question, you will find here the question that was chosen.

array or string

Depending on the modechat setting, this field can vary:

  • When modechat is 0, reponse is an array of objects, each representing a different aspect of the answer. These objects are categorized by type, where each type details a specific nature of the response. Each of these responses is provided with:
    • type: the description of the given response type. It can be a general introduction, a response from the Scriptures, the Fathers and Doctors of the Church, the Magisterium, or specifically what the popes have said or written. Values are "intro", "bible", "peres", "magistere" and "papes".
    • text: the text of the response to the question, according to the chosen type.
  • When modechat is 1, reponse is a single string that provides a narrative, conversational response combining various elements in a seamless flow.

A list of sources used to formulate the responses. These sources are limited to the fundamental texts of the Church: the Old and New Testaments, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Councils, and the texts from different pontificates. Each of these references contains:

  • description: the source in text form.
  • url: a link to the cited source. This parameter may remain empty.

Keywords associated with the question and response, aiding in thematic categorization.


The language of the response.


Additional related questions or prompts suggested by the API, encouraging further exploration.


The total number of tokens used to generate or process a response, providing insights into computational load and operational costs.


A unique identifier for the API response, used for tracking and reference in subsequent queries.

Making a Request

You can paste the command below into your terminal to launch your first API request. Make sure to replace $CATEGPT_API_KEY with your secret API key.

Example 1: Basic Question


curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: $CATEGPT_API_KEY" \
  -d '{
    "question": "How to pray?"

This request asks CatéGPT the question about prayer, and it will attempt to respond by quoting Scriptures and Church teachings.


You should receive a response that looks like the following:

    "stat": "ok",
    "question": "Comment prier ?",
    "reponse": [
            "type": "intro",
            "text": "La prière occupe une place centrale dans la vie chrétienne. Elle est le moyen privilégié pour entrer en relation avec Dieu, lui exprimer notre amour, notre reconnaissance, nos louanges, nos demandes et nos supplications."
            "type": "bible",
            "text": "Jésus nous a donné un modèle de prière parfaite dans le Notre Père (Mt 6, 9-13). Il nous enseigne également dans l'Évangile de Marc (Mc 11, 24) que tout ce que nous demandons en priant, il faut le croire pour l'obtenir."
            "type": "peres",
            "text": "Les Pères de l'Église, tels que Saint Augustin et Saint Jean Chrysostome, insistent sur l'importance de la prière comme moyen de purification de l'âme et de croissance spirituelle."
            "type": "magistere",
            "text": "Le Catéchisme de l'Église Catholique (CEC 2559-2565) enseigne sur la prière en expliquant ses différentes formes (louange, adoration, action de grâce, intercession) et les conditions nécessaires pour qu'elle soit efficace."
            "type": "papes",
            "text": "Les papes, tels que Saint Jean-Paul II dans son encyclique 'Redemptoris Mater', soulignent l'importance de la Vierge Marie comme modèle de prière et d'intercession pour les chrétiens."
    "references": [
            "description": "Catéchisme de l'Église Catholique sur la prière",
            "url": ""
            "description": "Évangile selon Matthieu 6, 9-13",
            "url": ""
            "description": "Évangile selon Marc 11, 24",
            "url": ""
            "description": "Encyclique 'Redemptoris Mater' de Saint Jean-Paul II",
            "url": ""
    "keywords": [
        "Notre Père",
        "Vierge Marie",
    "lang": "fr",
    "others": [
        "Qu'est-ce que la prière contemplative ?",
        "Quelle est l'importance de la prière dans la vie des saints ?",
        "Comment la prière peut-elle nous aider dans les moments difficiles ?"
    "all_tokens": 1777,
    "uniqueID": "4be1fc597f70afa900bb2b4788558c12"

This response includes a structured answer to the question "How to pray?" with multiple parts including an introduction, biblical references, teachings from the Church Fathers, doctrinal instructions from the catechism, and perspectives from popes. It also includes relevant URLs for further reading and additional related questions for deeper exploration.

Example 2: Question with Language Specification


curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Authorization: $CATEGPT_API_KEY" \
 -d '{
    "question": "How to pray?", 


    "stat": "ok",
    "question": "How to pray?",
    "reponse": [
            "type": "intro",
            "text": "Prayer is a vital aspect of the Catholic faith, a way to communicate with God, express gratitude, seek forgiveness, or ask for help."
            "type": "bible",
            "text": "In the Gospel of Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus teaches his disciples the Lord's Prayer, a perfect example of how to pray. This prayer includes adoration, submission to God's will, asking for daily needs, seeking forgiveness, and protection from evil."
            "type": "peres",
            "text": "St. Augustine described prayer as the elevation of the mind and heart to God. St. Thomas Aquinas defined prayer as the movement of the heart towards God, expressing our desires to Him."
            "type": "magistere",
            "text": "The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 2559) teaches that prayer is a relationship with God, a vital necessity rather than a simple activity. It further explains various forms of prayer, including vocal, meditation, and contemplative prayer."
            "type": "papes",
            "text": "Pope Benedict XVI emphasized the importance of prayer in the believer's life, stating that prayer is the key to opening the heart to God's presence. He encouraged all Christians to cultivate a habit of daily prayer and to let oneself be transformed by God."
    "references": [
            "description": "Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2559",
            "url": ""
            "description": "Gospel of Matthew 6:9-13",
            "url": ""
            "description": "St. Augustine, Confessions, Book X, Chapter 27",
            "url": ""
            "description": "St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, II-II, Q. 83, A. 17",
            "url": ""
            "description": "Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, May 2, 2012",
            "url": ""
    "keywords": [
        "Lord's Prayer",
        "relationship with God",
        "Catholic faith",
    "lang": "en",
    "others": [
        "What are the different forms of prayer in the Catholic tradition?",
        "How can one deepen their prayer life?",
        "Why is prayer important in the Catholic faith?"
    "all_tokens": 2534,
    "uniqueID": "477656bda336b51aaef0779d265bf8ab"

This response, in English, addresses how to pray with an introduction, biblical teachings, thoughts from prominent theologians, and teachings from the magisterium. It also includes perspectives from a pope, making the response well-rounded and deeply informative.

Example 3: Detailed Question with Context and Chat Mode


curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -H "Authorization: $CATEGPT_API_KEY" \
 -d '{
     "question": "What are the different forms of prayer in the Catholic tradition?",


    "stat": "ok",
    "question": "What are the different forms of prayer in the Catholic tradition?",
    "reponse": "In the Catholic tradition, prayer can take various forms such as adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, and supplication. Adoration involves praising God for who He is. Contrition is seeking forgiveness for sins and expressing sorrow. Thanksgiving is offering gratitude to God for His blessings. Supplication involves making requests to God for oneself or others. Other forms of prayer include petition, intercession, meditation, contemplation, and liturgical prayer.",
    "references": [
            "description": "Catechism of the Catholic Church - Adoration",
            "url": ""
            "description": "Catechism of the Catholic Church - Thanksgiving",
            "url": ""
            "description": "Catechism of the Catholic Church - Supplication",
            "url": ""
    "keywords": [
        "Catholic tradition",
        "prayer forms",
        "liturgical prayer"
    "lang": "en",
    "others": [
        "What is the significance of praying the Rosary in the Catholic tradition?",
        "How does the Catholic Church view the importance of silent prayer?",
        "What role does the Liturgy of the Hours play in the prayer life of Catholics?"
    "all_tokens": 2175,
    "uniqueID": "ef401d1485edd77d2dd0bfbf52da8bfd"

The provided JSON response from the API shows an example of how the CatéGPT API processes and answers a complex query related to Catholic prayer forms in a user-friendly and interactive manner, especially tailored for conversational engagements (as indicated by the modechat: 1 parameter).

Retrieve an specific answer

This API endpoint allows users to retrieve detailed information about a specific post, including the original question, the response provided, and any references cited in the response. It is useful for applications requiring access to a structured historical record of interactions.

API Endpoint

  • URL:{uniqueID}
  • Method: POST

Request Structure

URL Parameter: {uniqueID} - This is the unique identifier for the specific post you wish to retrieve. It must be included in the URL path.

Response Parameters

Name Type Description

The status of the response. If it is ok, it means the response to your question was generated successfully. If it is error, there was an issue processing your request.


Contains details about the question such as its ID, the question text, timestamp, and other relevant metadata. Also indicates if it's a follow-up (linked via prevquestion).

  • id: Identifier for the question.
  • question: The text of the question.
  • initial_message: The initial message text of the question, before any translation or reformulation.
  • aleatoire: Indicates if the response was randomly generated.
  • timestamp: The time when the question was posted.
  • selection: Any selection information related to the question (if applicable).
  • prevquestion: ID of the previous question if this was a follow-up.
  • uniqueID: Unique identifier for the question instance.
  • user_infos: Additional user information (if provided).

Details about the response given to the question, including the text of the introduction or summary, language, and any categorization such as Bible references or teachings from the Church Fathers. It may also contain additional response types depending on context.

  • id: Unique identifier for the response.
  • question_id: The ID of the question linked to this response.
  • introduction: Introduction or summary text of the response.
  • bible: Specific Bible references (if magisterial mode activated, i.e. modechat: 0 or default value).
  • peres: Contributions from Church Fathers (if magisterial mode activated, i.e. modechat: 0 or default value).
  • magistere: Inputs from the Magisterium (if magisterial mode activated, i.e. modechat: 0 or default value).
  • papes: Comments or teachings from the popes (if magisterial mode activated, i.e. modechat: 0 or default value).
  • lang: The language of the response.
  • keywords: Keywords associated with the response.
  • others: Other related questions or suggestions.
  • modechat: Indicates if the response was in chat mode.
  • all_json: Contains the entire JSON structure of the response as a string.
  • videodb: Additional database links or video references (if applicable).

A list of sources and references cited in the response. Each entry in the array includes a description of the source and a URL linking to further details, enhancing the educational value of the response.

  • id: Unique identifier for each reference.
  • description: Description of the reference.
  • url: URL where the reference can be accessed.
  • reponse_id: ID of the response where the reference is used.
  • verifie: Status to indicate if the reference was verified.
  • uniqueID: Unique identifier associated with the reference.

The total number of tokens used to generate or process a response, providing insights into computational load and operational costs.

Making a Request

You can paste the command below to retrieve a specific post from its unique identifier.





You should receive a response that looks like the following:

    "question":"What are the proofs of God's existence?",
    "initial_message":"What are the proofs of God's existence?",
    "timestamp":"2024-05-22 01:10:21",
      "introduction":"The Catholic Church teaches that there are several classical arguments or proofs that aim to demonstrate the existence of God. These arguments have been developed by theologians, philosophers, and scholars throughout history.",
      "bible":"In Psalm 19:1-2, it is written: 'The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.' This passage highlights the existence of God through the beauty and order of creation.",
      "peres":"Saint Thomas Aquinas, one of the Doctors of the Church, presented five ways to demonstrate the existence of God in his Summa Theologica. These include the arguments from motion, efficient causality, necessity and contingency, degree of perfection, and final cause or teleological argument.",
      "magistere":"The First Vatican Council in the 19th century affirmed that human reason can know with certainty the existence of God through the created world. The Catechism of the Catholic Church also teaches that the existence of God can be known through reason, even if this knowledge is limited and requires faith to reach full understanding.",
      "papes":"Pope Benedict XVI, in his encyclical 'Caritas in Veritate', emphasized the importance of acknowledging the existence of God as the foundation of ethics and values in society. He reiterated the Church's teaching that reason and faith complement each other in understanding the reality of God's existence.",
        "existence of God",
        "Catholic Church",
        "What is the relationship between faith and reason according to Catholic teaching?",
        "How does the Catholic Church define God?",
        "What is the significance of the concept of the First Cause in Catholic theology?"
        "description":"Catechism of the Catholic Church, 286-289",
        "description":"Summa Theologica, I, q. 2, a. 3",
        "description":"Caritas in Veritate, Pope Benedict XVI",

This documentation provides detailed information on how to use the API endpoint to retrieve specific posts, which is essential for developers needing access to historical question and response data within applications.